Громадська організація Місто Сили, NGO MISTO SYLY, NGO The City of Power

Help Kherson

Yevhen Gilin co-founder NGO The City of Power

Dear Friends,

My name is Yevhen Hilin and I am the Head of NGO The City of Power (ГО «Місто сили» [ˈmistɔ ˈsɪlɪ]).

The City of Power for us is Kherson – the first and, for the time being, the only Ukrainian regional city freed from russian occupation.

Our organization was founded in 2021 with the main goal of develop ingthe youth of Kherson, however, after the full-scale russian invasion of Ukraine, we mostly focused on supporting the South and eastern regions of Ukraine. We have our representative offices in 5 regions – Kherson, Mykolaiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa and Zaporizhzhia.

After Kherson was freed, we provided the civilians with medicine, clothing, food, building materials, thanks to cooperation with international and national donors. When the russians blew up the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP – a station that supplies southern Ukraine with electricity and fresh water) dam, we assisted  mitigatign of the consequences for people and animals in Kherson region and helped the citizens of Kherson to overcome the consequences of floods. And, of course, we continuously support the people of Kherson region who suffer of russian bombings. Our mobile repair crews board up windows, repair roofs, dismantle rubble, etc.

The russians keep trying to kill as many Ukrainians and destroy as many civilian buildings as possible. The regions where our NGO works are very close to the frontline and they are hurt the most. We do have several international partners, however, with each day of this cruel war we need more and more.

We would kindly ask you personally and to your organization for support and donation – any amount matters to us.

We are absolutely open and transparent organization – any reports regarding our expenses are available and provided immediately. 

Thank you in advance, your involvement into the Victory of Ukraine is highly appreciated. 

If you are willing and able to support our organization, have ideas, or proposals for collaboration, please reach out to us at [email protected]

Below this page, you will find links to our PayPal account and TRC20 wallet, which can be used to send donations to support our organization. We greatly appreciate your generosity and any contribution you can make to help us continue our work.

Head of the NGO The City of Power,
Yevhen Hilin

Tether (TRC20) wallet: TCahqzYN4X4pdFBcdvQY5j5MY7FQbTKVxC

We are currently using a personal PayPal account because legal entities from Ukraine are not allowed to have official PayPal accounts.

We are sure that, thanks to your support, we will be able to continue our important work!

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